Competition for the 2019 ALAA-Arvey Foundation Book Award
The Association of Latin American Art, an affiliate of the College Art Association, announces its Eighteenth Annual Book Award for the best scholarly book published on the art of Latin America from the Pre-Columbian era to the present. The award is generously funded by the Arvey Foundation and consists of a citation and a $1,000 honorarium. We will present the award at the annual meeting of the College Art Association in New York in February 2019. The name of the recipient will appear in the newsletters of both ALAA and CAA.
For the February 2019 Award, we will evaluate books on Latin American Art from Pre-Columbian to the present that meet the following criteria:
- Publication date between September 1, 2017 and August 31, 2018.
- Books may be written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.
- Books may have one or more authors
The books will be evaluated by a three-person committee of accomplished art historians, each with expertise in a wide geographical and temporal range (Cynthia Kristan-Graham, Michael Schreffler, and Claudia Calirman).
Publishers, authors, and others must contact Cynthia Kristan-Graham by October 1, 2018, to verify whether a prospective entry is eligible for the competition according to the above criteria. Please include the following information: Title, author(s), and a general description of subject. If the book appears eligible, she will provide mailing addresses for all three committee members. Copies of books are to be sent directly to each, and can be sent at any time over the summer but must be received no later than November 15, 2018.
Questions may be addressed to Dr. Cynthia Kristan-Graham, 589 Deer Run Rd., Auburn, AL 36832 or
ALAA-Arvey Foundation Book Award Recipients