ALAA-Arvey Foundation Book Award

ALAA-Arvey Foundation Book Award Winner








Juliet Wiersema, The History of a Periphery: Spanish Colonial Cartography from Colombia’s Pacific Lowlands (University of Texas Press, 2024)


Competition for the 2025 ALAA-Arvey Foundation Book Award

Deadline: August 1, 2024

The Association for Latin American Art is pleased to sponsor the Annual ALAA-Arvey Foundation Book Award for an especially distinguished scholarly book published on the art of Latin America from antiquity to the present. The award is generously funded by the Arvey Foundation and consists of a citation and a $1,000 honorarium. We will present the award at the annual meeting of the College Art Association in New York in February 2025. The name of the recipient will appear in the newsletters of both ALAA and CAA.

For the February 2025 Award, we will evaluate books on Latin American/Latinx art from any period, antiquity to the present, that meet the following criteria:

  • Publication date between September 1, 2023 and July 31, 2024
  • Books may be written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese
  • Books may have one or more authors
  • The bookaward committee does not consider exhibition catalogues

Please submit all inquiries regarding exhibition catalogues to the exhibition catalogue award chair Rosario Granados ( ).

The books will be evaluated by a three-person committee of accomplished art historians, each with wide expertise in the field of Latin American art history.

Please contact committee chair Lisa Trever at by May 31, 2024, to verify whether a prospective entry is eligible for the competition according to the above criteria. If the book is eligible, mailing addresses for the three committee members will be provided.

Hard copies of books are to be sent directly to each committee member, and must be postmarked no later than August 1, 2024.

** Please note that per ALAA award timing changes, the nomination deadline is significantly earlier than in past years. **


Book Award Committee
Lisa Trever, chair,
Ilona Katzew,
Adele Nelson,


2024 ALAA-Arvey Foundation Book Award Winner

Sean Nesselrode Moncada, Refined Material: Petroculture and Modernity in Venezuela (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2023).


2024 Book Award Honorable Mentions

1) Delia Cosentino and Adriana Zavala, Resurrecting Tenochtitlan: Imagining the Aztec Capital in Modern Mexico City (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2023).

2) Delia Solomons, Cold War in the White Cube: U.S. Exhibitions of Latin American Art, 1959–1968 (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2023).


Past Book Award Recipients