Dissertation Awards

2025 ALAA Dissertation Award Winner








Anthony J. Meyer, The Givers of Things: Tlamacazqueh and the Art of Religious Making in the Mexica and Early Transatlantic Worlds

2025 ALAA Dissertation Award honorable mention








Madeline Murphy Turner, What Women Write: Artist’s Books, Postal Objects, and Independent Theater in Mexico City (1979–92)

Image: Yani Pecanins, Silabario [Spelling Book] (detail), 1989. Mixed media, 26 x 20 cm. Uniqueedition. Fondo El Archivero, Centro de Documentación Arkheia, MUAC (DiGAV, UNAM). Acquisition, 2012.


Competition for the 2025 Dissertation Award

Deadline: August 1, 2024

The Association for Latin American Art is pleased to announce the biennial award for outstanding doctoral dissertation in the field of Latin American visual culture. The award winner will be announced at the ALAA business meeting during the 2025 CAA conference.

Dissertations deposited between July 1, 2022 and July 31, 2024, on any aspect of the visual culture of Latin America/Latinx are eligible, and they may be written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. Dissertations in languages other than these may be considered based on prior consultation with Adam Jasienski, the chair of the Dissertation Award Committee. Self-nominations will be accepted, but all submissions must include a letter from the doctoral advisor describing the dissertation’s contributions to the field.

These letters, which should include the nominee’s current contact information, must be sent by August 1, 2024, to the chair of the award committee. Nominees and nominators are not required to be members of the Association for Latin American Art.

Should an applicant be deemed eligible a PDF of the dissertation must be sent to all three members of the committee by September 1, 2024.

A dissertation advisor who wishes to nominate more than two candidates must consult with the chair of the award committee.

Nomination letters should be sent to Adam Jasienski, by email only, at ajasienski@smu.edu

Dissertation Award Committee

Adam Jasienski, Chair ajasienski@smu.edu

Patrick Hajovsky, hajovskp@southwestern.edu

Sean Nesselrode Moncada, snesselr@risd.edu


2023 ALAA Dissertation Award Winner

Erika Lucía Escutia Sánchez, “Poseer e inventar: los objetos y la interpretación de las prácticas estéticas americanas en las casas reales europeas (1493-1565)” (2021). Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

2023 ALAA Dissertation Award Honorable Mention

Benjamin O. Murphy, “Second-Order Images: Reflexive Strategies in Early Latin American Video Art” (2021). Princeton University


Past Dissertation Award Recipients