Graduate Student Travel Award

2025 ALAA Graduate Student Travel Award Winners

Leonardo Santamaría Montero, Cornell

Catalina Cherñavvsky Sequeira, University of Texas at Austin

Competition for the 2025 Graduate Student Travel Award

The ALAA Graduate Student Travel Award was created in 2017. The award, generously funded by former ALAA president Patricia Sarro, will provide $500 toward expenses related to attending the CAA annual conference, ALAA business meeting, and ALAA sponsored sessions. Funds may be put towards hotel costs, registration, or airfare/ground travel. The awardee need not be presenting (although presenters are encouraged to apply), but should demonstrate a specific need to attend sessions or visit archives in the conference city. Applications will be evaluated on the quality of the proposal, as well as financial need. A call for applications will be sent to the listserv each September and will be due at the end of October. The awardee will be selected by the executive committee and will be notified of their acceptance by mid-November. Funds will be paid upon receipt of the award, but awardee must submit receipts to ALAA verifying that funds have gone toward conference expenses (within 2 weeks of returning from the conference). The awardee is also expected to attend the ALAA business meeting at the conference where they will be recognized as an award recipient. The awardee will also receive one year of complimentary ALAA membership.

Call for submissions will be announced in the second semester of 2024.

2024 ALAA Graduate Student Travel Award

Eric Mazariegos, PhD Candidate, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University 

Maria Beatriz Carrión, PhD Candidate in Art History, CUNY Graduate Center

2023 ALAA Graduate Student Travel Award

Marisol Villela Balderama received the $500 graduate student travel award to attend CAA. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Pittsburgh, where she works with Jennifer Josten. Her dissertation bridges Latin American and East Asian art history, docusing on Chilean artist José Venturelli (1924-1988), whose artistic exchanges uncover a little-known transpacific network that allowed artists and intellectuals from the Americas, Asia, and socialist Europe to found mutual recourse in their approaches to modern revolutionary art and to learn from each other’s artistic traditions. During her time in NYC, she will also conduct research at Brooklyn’s Asia Art Archive in America.

Hayley Woodward received the $500 graduate student travel award to attend CAA. She is currently a Junior Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library (DO) and a Ph.D. candidate in Art History and Latin American Studies at Tulane University where Elizabeth Boone is her primary advisor. She is a specialist in the visual cultures bridging Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and colonial New Spain, with a primary concentration in Indigenous Nahua painted manuscripts, cartographies, and writing systems. Her scholarly interests also expand broadly to questions of artistic practice and materiality. At CAA, she is co-chairing a panel entitled “Ecological Art Histories of Indigenous Latin America.” While in New York, she also will visit the National Museum of the American Indian to view drawings on āmatl paper created by contemporary Nahua artists.