
The latest winners FOR ALAA AWARDS have been announced now!

ALAA-Arvey Foundation Book Award*

ALAA-Thoma Foundation Exhibition Catalogue Award*

ALAA Article Prize*

ALAA/LASA-VCS Afro Latin American/Afro-Latinx Scholarship Prize*

ALAA Dissertation Award

Graduate Student Travel Award

*Authors may not submit the same material for two award categories. If, for example, a major essay from an exhibition catalogue is submitted for the Article Award, the catalogue itself may not be submitted for the Exhibition Catalogue Award or vice versa. It is the responsibility of the author to determine which category best fits the submission.

Serving on an ALAA committee (executive or award) is voluntary and provides an important service to the field. Because the field is small, there will inevitably arise moments when a committee member’s work is being considered by colleagues on a different committee. Since ALAA award and executive committees function independently from one another, committee service should not be considered a conflict of interest so long as committee members are not evaluating their own work. As such, award committee members cannot submit their own work for an award category on which they are serving. For those in this situation, publications can be submitted for award consideration in the cycle following rotation off the committee even if the publication date falls outside designated guidelines.