At the International Center for the Arts of the Americas (ICAA) website, you can explore more than 8,000 documents of 20th and 21st-century art in Latin America, the Caribbean, and among US Latino communities.

From Carmen Ramírez, Founding Director:
“[…] the redesigned platform more accurately reflects the activities, events, and interdisciplinary programs of the Center and its flagship project, Documents of Latin American and Latino Art (ICAA Documents Project). The user-friendly site facilitates direct, immediate access to the more than 8,000 primary sources and critical texts that make up the ICAA Documents Project. It also encourages users to browse by “author,” “title,” “date” and “topic”; save their results in a “my documents” section; and share them with friends and colleagues. Additionally, the platform allows the ICAA’s vetted partners to upload primary-source materials directly to the site, thereby significantly expanding the recovery process that is a core function of any digital repository.”
Check out the new website here.
Image digitized from: Bardi, Lina Bo. “Bahia: Museu de Arte Moderna.” Mirante das Artes (São Paulo, Brazil), no. 6 (Novembro/ Dezembro,1967): 17- 24.